4 tips to improve Facebook listings

Facebook listings

4 tips to improve Facebook listings

How to improve Facebook listings? This is a question that anyone involved in web marketing and social media marketing wants to answer, because currently Facebook advertising campaigns are one of the best methods for companies to make themselves known and reach their desired target with precision extraordinary.

However, success is far from obvious: you need to know the potential of the vehicle in depth and have a clear idea of the objectives to pursue and the characteristics of your buyer person. If even one of these elements fails, the whole strategy would begin to limp.

What about those campaigns that seems to be successful in potential and then find it hard to take off? In this case, almost certainly they are small errors or oversights that can be easily remedied: Here are 4 easy to implement tips that explain how to improve the performance of Facebook ads.

1. Make good use of targeting options

Accurately outlining the characteristics of the buyer person helps not only in the preparation and conception of the campaign but also in choosing the best audience for sponsorships on Facebook. To improve the effectiveness of an advertisement on Facebook we can choose the city, the country, the age, the demographic characteristics, the interests and even to link the ad to important events and events for the user.

2. Conduct preliminary tests

We know that marketing is not an exact science: we always proceed based on estimates and forecasts, which are then put to the test on the field. If you have already set a budget for Facebook ads, let’s make sure to use a small part of it to conduct preliminary tests in order to choose the type of message and insertion that best suits the target audience. This way you will avoid unnecessary waste of time and money and you should be able to reach your target faster.

3. Don’t dwell on unnecessary metrics

To make sure that you are really doing an excellent job, you need to be able to correctly read the results of each action taken and the performance of the campaigns. Receiving a mountain of comments and likes can be rewarding, but this result can also make you lose sight of the true goal. The most effective way to improve Facebook listings is to leave unnecessary metrics alone to dwell on what really matters. The number of hits, clicks, leads or sales completed are the data that more than anyone else can say a lot about how sponsorship really is going.

4. Insert videos

Facebook like other social platforms has shown in the last period a real preference for videos and not wrongly. The algorithm that manages the distribution of an ad among users registered on the social network gives greater visibility to video content than all the others do. The reason is simple: contents that register high levels of involvement and approval among the subscribers, for which they give greater entertainment and satisfaction to the users. This is why if you want to aim to improve the performance of advertisement on Facebook you will have to be able to create videos. Although it is always better to turn to a professional, there are technologies and tools available to even the least experienced and suitable for all budgets.

5. Business Manager

A last indispensable aspect if you want to get the maximum performance from advertising on Facebook is the appropriate and competent use of the advertising management platform and the Business Manager. The developers led by Zuckerberg have created a very rich and complex system of features, which allow those who know how to make the most of them to improve the results obtained with the adverts in a consistent way. Keep reading Important Factors to Consider Before Starting a WordPress Website


The larger companies, which have high budgets for marketing communication, entrust the management of digital marketing to consultants or external agencies. But the smaller ones only rarely are able to invest adequate sums to ensure the professional work of specialists to whom to delegate the work of communication in social networks. For smaller companies it is often more convenient to train a person inside the company by giving them the skills needed to manage advertising well in social networks.

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