How to Get Minecraft Elder Guardian?

How to Get Minecraft Elder Guardian?

How to Get Minecraft Elder Guardian?

In the vast and blocky realm of Minecraft, players encounter a myriad of creatures, each with its unique characteristics and challenges. Among the formidable aquatic foes that dwell in the depths of the ocean, the Elder Guardian stands out as a powerful and elusive guardian of underwater temples. These majestic and ancient beings possess a regal air about them, guarding valuable treasures and secrets within their oceanic domains.

Acquiring a Minecraft Elder Guardian involves embarking on a daring underwater expedition, facing treacherous depths, and overcoming the guardian’s potent abilities. This guide will provide you with step-by-step instructions on how to locate and conquer the mighty Elder Guardian, unlocking the mysteries hidden beneath the waves in the process. Prepare yourself for an aquatic adventure like no other as you dive into the world of Minecraft to encounter the revered Elder Guardian.

Step One: Gearing Up for Glory

 Gearing Up for Glory: Minecraft Elder Guardian

Before you set sail, let’s make sure you’re equipped to handle the aquatic assault. Here’s your essential Elder Guardian Slayer Kit:

  • Potion Power: Stock up on potions of Strength, Night Vision, and Respiration. Trust me, you’ll thank yourself later.
  • Aqua Affinity: This enchantment makes mining underwater a breeze, crucial for clearing paths and claiming that sweet, sweet loot.
  • Sharpness and Power: A sword or trident enchanted with these bad boys will turn those Elder Guardians into sushi in no time.
  • Mining Fatigue Resistance: This enchantment negates the Elder Guardian’s debilitating mining fatigue debuff, keeping you spry and stabby.
  • Knockback Resistance: This enchantment, especially on your chestplate, will prevent those Elder Guardians from launching you around like a pinball in a sea storm.

Step Two: Charting Your Course

Now, onto the fun part: finding these elusive guardians! Ocean Monuments, their spiky coral castles, are your target. They spawn in deep ocean biomes, so grab a boat and some good food – it might take a while.

Tip: Keep an eye out for Prismarine blocks underwater. They’re a telltale sign that an Ocean Monument lurks below.

Step Three: Breaching the Fortress

Once you spot the Monument, the real adventure begins. Here’s how to navigate its watery halls and confront the guardians within:

  1. Conquer the Elders: There are three Elder Guardians, one in the central chamber and one in each wing. Take them out one by one to avoid getting overwhelmed.
  2. Watery Warfare: Elder Guardians have a nasty habit of summoning other guardians to their aid. Be prepared to fend off a fishy frenzy!
  3. Potion Proficiency: Remember those potions? Now’s the time to chug ’em down! Night Vision will let you see through the guardians’ inky blindness, while Strength and Respiration will give you the edge in combat and underwater exploration.
  4. Mining for Plunder: Once the guardians are toast, explore the rest of the Monument. There are hidden rooms and chests brimming with treasure, just waiting to be plundered.

Step Four: Victory Lap (and Loot Haul)

slain the Elder Guardians

Congratulations, you’ve slain the Elder Guardians and conquered the Ocean Monument! Now, reap the rewards:

  • Prismarine Shards and Blocks: These beautiful blue blocks can be used to build your own underwater palace (complete with grumpy fish servants, of course).
  • Raw Cod and Salmon: Not exactly the gourmet’s choice, but hey, it’s protein from the sea!
  • Sponges: Soak up those pesky water hazards with these handy absorbent blocks.
  • Wet Prismarine: A unique block that can be dried into regular Prismarine. Bonus points for fancy underwater builds!

Bonus Round: Guardian Farming

Feeling ambitious? You can actually build Guardian Farms that will passively generate loot for you. Just be warned, it’s a complex engineering feat, so grab some redstone tutorials and get ready to channel your inner inventor.


Q: Can I defeat an Elder Guardian without potions and enchantments?

A: Technically yes, but it’s a tough fight. You’ll be at a significant disadvantage, so potions and enchantments are highly recommended.

Q: What’s the best weapon to use against Elder Guardians?

A: A trident enchanted with Sharpness and Power is ideal. Its long reach and bonus damage against aquatic mobs make it a real guardian slayer.

Q: Can I trap and tame Elder Guardians?

A: Unfortunately, no. Elder Guardians are not tamable. But hey, at least you can keep their spiky heads as trophies!

Q: Is there anything else I should know about Ocean Monuments?

A: Keep an eye out for Elder Guardian Prisms. These rare treasures can be used to upgrade your trident, making it even more effective against aquatic foes.


The hunt for the Elder Guardian is an epic adventure that tests your combat skills, exploration prowess, and underwater building talents. With the right preparation and a dash of courage, you can venture into the dense Minecraft jungles, carefully navigating through the towering trees and hostile mobs, to harvest coveted jungle leaves and claim their verdant treasures for your own. So, what are you waiting for? Dive in, brave adventurer, and make the Elder Guardians tremble before your might!

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