How to Fix Hotspot Can Connect to Remote Desktop but Not Wifi

How to Fix Hotspot Can Connect to Remote Desktop but Not Wifi

How to Fix Hotspot Can Connect to Remote Desktop but Not Wifi

You might come across a puzzling issue while trying to work remotely. You may connect your laptop or mobile device to your hotspot, use Remote Desktop or any other remote access tool to connect to the office network or your home PC, and everything seems to work just fine. However, when you try to browse the web or access any internet-dependent app, you get no response. I understand how frustrating this situation can be, and it can be tempting to take your frustration out on your devices. But before you do that, let’s try to figure out hotspot can connect to a remote desktop but not wifi. There’s probably a logical explanation, and an easy solution, to why your hotspot might work for Remote Desktop but not for web browsing.

Why Remote Desktop Works But Not WiFi

First up, it’s important to understand what’s happening behind hotspot can connect to remote desktop but not wifi when you fire up that mobile hotspot. When activated, the hotspot function turns your phone or tablet into a miniature wireless router. It broadcasts its own WiFi network that other devices can connect to, essentially using your phone’s cellular data connection to provide internet access to anything hooked up wirelessly.

With me so far? Good. Now here’s the key point:

Remote Desktop and similar remote access tools don’t actually need an active internet connection to connect to another computer. All the “magic” happens on your local network created by the hotspot. So Remote Desktop (or TeamViewer, Chrome Remote Desktop, etc.) connects just fine. But web browsing and anything else requiring access to the big bad internet fails because although you’re connected to the hotspot’s WiFi network, that network has no gateway to the web.

Why the WiFi Gateway Fails

Why the WiFi Gateway Fails

So why does your hotspot WiFi lack that crucial pathway out to the internet? There are a few common culprits:

Cellular Data is Disabled

This is probably the most obvious possibility. For your hotspot to dish out internet access, cellular data needs to be turned on for that device. If cellular data is disabled, the hotspot broadcasts a local WiFi network just fine…but has nowhere to send web traffic, leading to your connection conundrum.

To check whether cellular data is enabled:

On an iPhone:

  • Open Settings > Cellular and make sure Cellular Data is toggled on

On an Android:

  • Open Settings > Connections > Data Usage
  • Ensure Mobile data is toggled on

Toggle cellular data back on and test if websites and apps can now connect via your hotspot.

Restricted Cellular Profile

On many corporate-managed mobile devices, the cellular plan is locked into a restricted profile intended only for company app usage. This blocks general web browsing usage in favor of limiting bandwidth consumption to approved apps.

So with a restricted profile, Remote Desktop accesses company resources just fine while any general internet access fails.

Check with your company IT department to confirm whether this type of restricted configuration is enabled. To resolve this, you’ll need them to apply an updated profile or move your device to an unrestricted plan.

Carrier Restrictions

Some cellular carriers impose restrictions on hotspot usage even on unlimited data plans. For example, hotspot connections may be limited to only specific whitelisted apps and services by default. So Remote Desktop is able to connect while general web browsing and internet access is blocked.

Check your carrier account details for any such hotspot restrictions. You may be able to request that your account be switched to a plan allowing unrestricted hotspot usage.

Outdated Carrier Profile

Your carrier pushes out updated carrier profiles to devices periodically. An outdated profile can sometimes disrupt cellular data services.

To rule this out:

On an iPhone:

  • Go to Settings > General > About
  • Wait 1-2 minutes on that screen to trigger a carrier profile update check

On Android:

Unfortunately this isn’t easily done manually on Android. Contact your carrier to ensure no pending updates are available for your device.

Updating to the latest carrier profile can help get things flowing again properly through the hotspot.

DNS Server Failures

Domain Name System (DNS) servers act as the phone book of the internet—translating domain names like into actual IP addresses understood by network devices. Your cellular carrier provides DNS servers to enable this mapping for hotspot internet access.

Sometimes connectivity issues arise when custom DNS servers configured on a device override the cellular carrier DNS settings. So general internet access breaks while access to company resources like Remote Desktop relying on internal domain names works fine.

Here’s how to check whether you have custom DNS servers configured:

On iPhone:

  • Open Settings
  • Tap Wi-Fi
  • Tap the blue info icon next to the connected Wi-Fi network
  • Check if any DNS server entries show here

On Android:

  • Swipe down from top and long-press on Wi-Fi icon
  • Tap the gear icon next to connected Wi-Fi network
  • Tap Advanced
  • If any DNS entries show under Private DNS, DNS 1 or DNS 2, custom servers are configured

To fix, delete any custom DNS server entries. Then toggle airplane mode on/off to have your device grab carrier DNS settings automatically.

These are the most common reasons behind hotspots allowing Remote Desktop while blocking general internet access. Checking through these possible causes methodically should hopefully reveal what’s amiss with your particular setup.

Getting Your Hotspot’s WiFi Gateway Back Online

In many cases once you uncover the specific reason your hotspot has a working Remote Desktop connection but broken WiFi gateway, the fix will be apparent as well based on the culprit.

But to summarize the key fixes discussed:

  • If cellular data is disabled, switch it back on
  • For a restricted corporate cellular profile, request an updated profile
  • To work around restrictive carrier limits, request a less restrictive account plan
  • Update outdated carrier profiles manually (on iPhone) or via your carrier (Android)
  • Remove any custom DNS server entries to restore carrier DNS

After making the appropriate fix for your situation, retry connecting devices to your hotspot’s WiFi network. At this point, both Remote Desktop and general internet access should be restored!

But hey, let’s say you went through all the usual suspects for why your hotspot breaks WiFi access while allowing Remote Desktop. Triple checked everything is configured correctly on both the hotspot device itself as well as connected devices. But the head-scratcher persists. Now what?

When standard fixes fail, the issue likely lies with the hotspot device itself rather than the other gear connected to it. A few more things to try:

Reset Network Settings

Resetting all network settings on your phone forces it to reinitialize mobile data and hotspot connections from scratch. Like smacking an old tube TV to get the picture back, sometimes this gets things realigned properly:

On iPhone:

  • Go to Settings > General > Reset > Reset Network Settings

On Android:

  • Go to Settings > General Management > Reset > Reset Network Settings

Once your device reboots after the reset, retry the hotspot.

Getting Your Hotspot's WiFi Gateway Back Online

Update Device Software

Outdated device software can definitely cause quirky hotspot weirdness. Ensure you’re running the latest OS version on your phone or tablet:

On iPhone:

  • Install any iOS updates available under Settings > General > Software Update

On Android:

  • Check for Android OS updates under Settings > System > System Update

Software updates often include bug fixes and improvements for hotspot connectivity. Upgrading may clear up any issues.

Reset Device to Factory Defaults

If all else fails, completely wiping your device by resetting to factory default state is the nuclear option to try and fix stubborn hotspot problems:

On iPhone:

  • Go to Settings > General > Reset and choose Erase All Content and Settings

On Android:

  • Go to Settings > General Management > Reset > Factory Data Reset

And with that—the full gauntlet of troubleshooting odd “Remote Desktop yes, websites no” hotspot issues has been run! Hopefully the specific cause is now uncovered and remedied. Go forth once more to enjoy seamless Remote Desktop and WiFi access from your trusty hotspot.


Q: Why does my phone hotspot allow Remote Desktop connection but not internet access?

A: This happens because remote access tools like Remote Desktop only require a local WiFi network to connect. They don’t rely on internet access from the hotspot. But web browsing and internet-dependent apps fail because although connected to the hotspot network, it lacks a gateway to route traffic to the internet.

Q: Can I trick my corporate phone into allowing full hotspot access?

A: If your company has applied a restricted cellular profile intended to limit bandwidth usage to approved apps, unofficial workarounds violate corporate policy. You’ll need to request that IT provides an updated profile allowing full hotspot internet access if required for your usage needs.

Q: My hotspot was working before. Why would it suddenly start having this issue?

A: Settings changes like disabling cellular data, installing VPNs with custom DNS, or outdated carrier profiles can cause disruption. Resetting network settings often clears up such problems by forcing hotspot and cellular settings to reinitialize properly.

Q: Are third-party hotspot apps better than my phone’s built-in hotspot?

A: Before trying alternatives, first exhaust troubleshooting your built-in hotspot. If the issue appears specific to the device’s native hotspot mode, third-party apps may work better in some cases. But resetting device software is preferable before installing additional hotspot apps.

Q: Does this issue happen on all phones and carriers?

A: It can happen across all makes and models. Specific culprits differ between carriers and phone brands though. Corporate cellular restrictions mainly affect managed business phones while consumer devices are more prone to carrier-imposed hotspot limits or outdated carrier profiles. But the troubleshooting methodology remains largely consistent.

Last Words

Gadgets failing us at the worst possible times can be extremely frustrating, even for the simplest of tasks. And let’s be honest, using rage to open a jar can’t be great for your blood pressure either. But now, when your hotspot is working flawlessly for Remote Desktop connections while Wi-Fi mysteriously fails, don’t worry because we can help. Unlock the mystery of your settings password with How to find your settings password: A simple guide. Discover the key to resolving the disconnect between remote access and internet traffic in hotspots, ensuring that frustration doesn’t win the battle. Before you throw in the towel, follow a step-by-step approach to investigate why your hotspot can connect to remote desktop but not WiFi.

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